Ubuntu as a development environment

I previously wrote how surprised I was to see how good it felt to do development on Windows with Windows Subsystem for Linux. And with VSCode and Node / Typescript it was.

Everything worked well, and the boundary between Windows and Linux subsystem felt nonexistent. I was also surprised that tools already existed to make even React Native development with expo to work pretty well, meaning that persons had packaged firewall configuration tools into a node package.

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It was time to update my desktop machine to something more capable than my over 11-year-old machine.

Though it was otherwise still perfectly fine and working well, modern software development tools started to feel sluggish on it - or at least sluggish compared to the modern M1 or M2-based MacbookPro laptops that I had become used to using.

Getting a modern desktop machine with really good specs that were also up to date with modern games was something which was not cheap, but then again, if this machine serves me well for the next ten years and gives me pleasure - then I could have spent that money also worse.

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Neuroleadership Institute Finland - Flow training

There are days when you feel lucky.

Last week I had one of those days, as I heard that I get to join a course by Neuroleadership Institute Finland.

And even better, I heard that Arto Miekkavaara would run it.

And as a participant would be a world-famous coach and author, and my friend, Antti Niemi.

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OKR Community meetup

Last Thursday, I enjoyed participating as a spectator in OKR Community Meetup in Helsinki at the glorious Futurice office.


Initially, I had signed up for the event because of the pizza and drinks, but I stayed because of the valuable talks.

The event consisted of two talks:

  • Futurice OKR and data talk by Eeva Raita and Jack Richardson
  • OKR journey in Helsingin Sanomat digital products by Valtteri Vartiainen

Both talks had a good underlying theme about challenges faced and the messiness of reality when implementing strategic management with OKRs in organisations.

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BDD in Action

I finally finished the second edition of BDD in Action from John Ferguson Smart and Jan Molak, and I can highly recommend it as a reading to anyone practising agile software development.

Let’s be clear from the start that practising behavior-driven development or test-driven development is not easy. And this book does not guarantee that you will be able to change your team’s methods and ways of working. But then again, it can be a motivator and inspiration on your path forward.

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What has ORM got to do with it?

While everyone else is hyping and raving about LLMs, I am looking at old boring essential technologies that matter greatly in daily work.

Object Relational Mappers. Sexy.

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Devops Handbook book club

Who in their right mind has a book club about IT book published ages ago? Everything moves so fast and people invent new things that it makes no sense to read something old from the – checks notes – last decade! Right?

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Muutama viikko sitten tutkaan lävähti isosti TietoEvryn ja kumppaneiden projekti kiusaamista vastaan: Politetype niminen fontti.

Mutta onko kyse teemakampanjasta vai oikeasta projektista?

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